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Nepal's Earthquake Was Why So Destructive ( Watch Video)

CBC News Videos says : It wasn't just the magnitude of the quake. There's another reason why Nepal's earthquake was so destruct...

CBC News Videos says : It wasn't just the magnitude of the quake. There's another reason why Nepal's earthquake was so destructive...which has killed over 4,200 people in Nepal and more than over 6,000 injured

Latest News updates from Nepal : Powerful earthquake which has killed more than 4,200 peoples across the nation and over 6,000 injured as per Nepal Govt Official announcement.

It was one of the worst earthquake to hit the poor South Asian nation Nepal in over 80 years. A powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake has struck in Kathmandu including other parts of Nepal as well. According to U.S. Geological Survey said, earthquake occurred less than 50 miles from the capital city Katmandu Nepal

Why Nepal's Earthquake Was So Destructive

It wasn't just the magnitude of the quake. There's another reason why Nepal's earthquake was so destructive...

Posted by CBC News: The National on Monday, April 27, 2015

Video source : CBC News: The National

If you want raise fund for Nepal Quake Victim please follow the link as mentioned below. Gurkha Channel has taken an initiative of raising fund for helping the Earthquake victims of Nepal. Thousands of people have lost their life and properties in Nepal. Your small help can make a bigger difference for the people who needs it. Kindly visit the link below and donate as much as you can to be a part of this generous campaign:- http://www.gofundme.com/gurkhachannelDo not hesitate to contact if you need any more information. https://youtu.be/PKRC5cVd72w


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