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India's popular Media 'Dainik Jaagran' Published Fake Vidoe of Nepal Earthquake News . This call has been made by Ganesh Pandey ...

India's popular Media 'Dainik Jaagran' Published Fake Vidoe of Nepal Earthquake News .

This call has been made by Ganesh Pandey from London, United Kingdom regarding published news in Dainik Jagaran where the media claimed a giant building collapsed in Nepal Earthquake on 12 May, 2005. It has hard enough to get to the concerned authority of Dainik Jagaran. The Media house has accepted their mistake and assured that they will remove the news, after an hour of this conversation, the video was still not removed from its website nor from its facebook page. The world should know now, how fake the India Media is. It is a protest against the yellow journalism in India. source : ganesh pandey youtube.

Another biggest earthquake of 7.4 rector scale strikes to Nepal on 12/05/2015 the U.S. Geological Survey said. A 5 storied building has been completely destroyed by this earthquake. The Death toll rises on Tuesday Earthquake so far 32 people and injuring more than 16,00 official said.

According to the Geological Survey quake with epicenter 66 km North East of Banepa (near Namche Bazar) was measured at a shallow depth of about 10 km. As violent tremors began again on Tuesday, people in Kathmandu, panic-stricken after the 25 April quake, rushed outdoors, Reuters reporters said.


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