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The science behind the devastating Nepal powerful earthquake (Al Jazeera's Exclusive Video)

Al Jazeera's One of the top popular news channel from Middle east Science & Technology Editor explained how powerful 7.9 magnitude ...

Al Jazeera's One of the top popular news channel from Middle east Science & Technology Editor explained how powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake taken place in Nepal. Watch Video from Al Jazeera's Science & Technology Editor, Tarek Bazley.

Powerful 7.9-magnitude earthquake has shaken Nepal on Saturday, Nepal Earthquake Video of Building collapse in front of people taken live on mobile camera & CCTV video footage combine clips it shows how terrible this earthquake was! Death trolls so far more than 7000, and over 10,000 injured across the nation. The most severe damage was seen in Nepal’s capital, where buildings collapsed, burying people alive under the rubble.

Video source : Al Jazeera Facebook

The Nepal Home Ministry also announced that foreign rescue teams are actively helping our nation with their effective rescue operations all over. The rescue teams come from India, Sri Lanka, China, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Germany, France, Israel, Malaysia and JICA were expand for search and rescue operations in various places of Capital Kathmandu valley. According to the ministry, the Sri Lanka team rescued a youth alive from Balaju area. Rescue team from UK is deployed in Most damaged areas Sindhupalchowk district. Likewise, 9 foreign medical teams are deployed in various affected area across the nation.


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