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Comedy Program : Jitu Nepal mundre at dolakha charikot

Jitu Nepal (Character Name Mundre) is very well known comedy actor / artist in name of Nepali Entertainment field. He is one the most popul...

Jitu Nepal (Character Name Mundre) is very well known comedy actor / artist in name of Nepali Entertainment field. He is one the most popular comedy actor making audiences laugh from long long time in Nepali TV Show. One of the Very famous weekly broadcasted NTV Nepali comedy serial called 'Jire Khursani' is written and directed by Jitu Nepal. This Videos is relates to Famous comedian actor Jitu Nepal while speaking and making laugh for those earthquake victim who are re-habitat at Sankhu, Kathmandu by a Chinese organization. Video published by ONLINE COMEDY TV Watch More about his volunteered work /contribution and his helping hand to earthquake victim in Nepal.

According Nepal Govt. Official has so far recorded over 8000 deaths toll rises by the devastating earthquake of April 25 and several powerful aftershocks across the country of Nepal.

The most severe damage was seen in Nepal’s capital, where buildings collapsed, burying people alive under the rubble.


New Dashin song - Tika ramro Dahile

Tea Time Music pvt. ltd Presents beautiful melody Dashain Song 2072 From Album “Tika ramro Dahile” A Song About Nepalese living in Abroad and Home Country. In this video beautiful melody vocal by Ra...

Nepali Comedy Teej Song 2015 - Bhaisi Satejhai

Ambika Music Pvt. ltd Presents Nepali comedy song ‘Solmarima Jane Ho'. In this video vocal is given by Basanti Sunuwar & MT Mahar . Music and lyrics by Gyanedra K.C., Kiranbabu Pun. Direction of thi...

Comedy Video Teej Song 'Solmarima Jane Ho'

Ambika Music Pvt. ltd Presents Nepali comedy song ‘Solmarima Jane Ho'. In this video vocal is given by Basanti Sunuwar & MT Mahar . Music and lyrics by Gyanedra K.C., Kiranbabu Pun. Direction of thi...

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