Deepak raj giri caricature magne budo (Kedar Ghimire) sound
Deepak Raj Giri comedy Actor producer/ director of Popular TV Serial program 'Tito satya', which is broadcasted by Nepal Television...

Deepak Raj Giri comedy Actor producer/ director of Popular TV Serial program 'Tito satya', which is broadcasted by Nepal Television weekly. Watch following video presented by Online comedy TV where Deepak raj giri caricature a Magne Budo sound, singing a funny song which is originally sung by 'Magne Budo' Kedar Ghimire.
Video source :ONLINE COMEDY TV
Magne Budho (Kedar Ghimire) is a very popular for Nepalese peoples and got very well known name "Magne Buda" Not only that he is also known by his popular own dialogue in Merri Bassai show which is called"ahile latta le diyera bari ko pata ma purydinchu." which actually means "with one kick I will send you on the edge of field".