Nepali Comedy Drama 'Wah Bhudi'
Nepali Comedy Drama "Wah! Bhudi" Exclusively presented by DhaulaGiri Cassette Center Nepal. Strating comedy drama with Merri Bassa...

Nepali Comedy Drama "Wah! Bhudi" Exclusively presented by DhaulaGiri Cassette Center Nepal. Strating comedy drama with Merri Bassai Team popular artist Kedar Ghimire (Magne Buda), Sita Ram Kattel (Dhurmush), Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali), Surbir Pandit (Dari Budo)
video source : DhaulagiriCassetteCenter
Meri Bassai is one of the popular TV comedy program in Nepal, which is aired by Nepal National Television. Meri Bassai is a Nepali sitcom television series that began in 2006. Sitaram Kattel and Kedar Ghimire are the scriptwriter, co-director and the major actors.