Sepcial Talk with His Holiness Master Godangel
Special Talk hosted by Ranjit Basnet is a chat show discussing various issues in society. This week the guest is Master Godangel(Bal Tapaswi...

Special Talk hosted by Ranjit Basnet is a chat show discussing various issues in society. This week the guest is Master Godangel(Bal Tapaswi Sat Guru Om Nanda). Master Godangel is an enlightened being, a healer, a humanitarian, the messenger from the god. His affiliation are Lovism Society, The Art of Happiness, Heavenly/Nirvana Path, Human Rights. Master is the philosopher of Lovism, the founder of Lovism Society world, patron saint of Heavenly/ Nirvana Path, the founder of Art of Happiness, an advocator of world peace (Truth, Love and Happiness) humanity and human rights. Master teaches that peace is the product of true love. Watch video interview broadcasted by Gurkha Channel Ltd UK.
Official Video source : Gurkha Channel Ltd