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Neube Studio presents Featuring DEEYA MASKEY on JAALMA MIX. Songs Credit goes to Jaalma from the movie 'Resham Filili' song titel ...

Neube Studio presents Featuring DEEYA MASKEY on JAALMA MIX. Songs Credit goes to Jaalma from the movie 'Resham Filili' song titel 'Timlai Herne Kati Holan by Reshma Sunuwar'. Watch Video exclusively published by Neube Studio channel.

“Jaalma" - "Paari tyo Daada ma” VIDEO SONG - From the upcoming Nepali feature film “Resham Filili”. which is Releasing in theaters Baisakh 11/April 24. Featuring the beautiful voices of Kali Prasad Baskota and Somea Baraili Music by Kali Prasad Baskota. Exclusively Video By The Bishal Upreti Show. Watch and enjoy the video and do not forget to subscribe the channel for upcoming more latest updates from their channel.

Presentation of V Motion Pictures released official Teaser of New Nepali Movie 'Resham Philili'. The Nepali Resham Philili song is different from any other songs in Nepali movie industry. The lyrics for the song Jaalma is beautifully extraordinary written and the music is great so far. This song is sung by Kali Prasad Baskota and Somea Baraili. Also the music and lyrics for the song was composed by Kali Prasad Baskota along with Manas Raj. The song is Arranged by Almond Rana Uprety.


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"Yo Chori Ko Rupai Ramro vocal by Shreya Sotang

Zerin Shrestha hot Dance performing at Neube Express, Original soundtrack "Yo Chori Ko Rupai Ramro vocal by Shreya Sotang. Watch video exclusively published by Neube tv channel. Shristi Shrestha gett...

Bhadragol comedy program - 31 July 2015

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