Latest Hits Comedy Video ' Barbadai Bhayo'
Trisana Music creation Nepali comedy hit song where vocalist are Ramila Neupane and Prabin Gharti Magar. Audio is recorded in the Tirshan...

Trisana Music creation Nepali comedy hit song where vocalist are Ramila Neupane and Prabin Gharti Magar. Audio is recorded in the Tirshana Music and video also exclusively made by Trisana Music.
In this video comedian Baale and Cockroach like the young lady Sushma Karki and return she also like both comedian guys. She go at dating with both guys. While Sushma is with Baale, Cockroach get angry and vice-verse and finely All of them are fallen in love with Sushma. Watch more in video.
Official video source : Music Nepal
Nepal is culturally rich beautiful country, where almost all day falls a festival because of so many culturally different ethnic group are living together in harmony. They respect each-other,s culture and participate as well. Nepal is popular with different kinds of song like lok folk, lok modern,national or patriotic, lok Dohori, pop, comedy geet Movie songs we enjoy all of them according to context or situation.
Nepali lok Geet is popular forms of folk music, which is sing to express love,hate and other strong emotional feeling of something. lok geet is sung through different way eg. single ,double or on the form of debate that is known as ” Lok Dohori ”. Dohori is the way that give quick answer to each other through the song is really interesting ,that gives us real entertainment on the spot. watch Today video which is published by Music Nepal channel.