Nepali latest Panchebaja Song 'Umer Pugechha'
Shiva 4s Media pvt. ltd creation Latest panche baza song ”Umer Pugechha ” exclusively presented by Music Nepal. Vocal by Bimal Pariyar ...

Shiva 4s Media pvt. ltd creation Latest panche baza song ”Umer Pugechha ” exclusively presented by Music Nepal. Vocal by Bimal Pariyar & Sanju Neupane , Lyrics by prakash saput. Nepali Panche Baja & namati baza's are traditional cultured based band is used in holy ceremonies like marriage (bibah) any other special occasion Events etc. But nowa days maily seen on rural areas where people living in poverty level and those who cannot afford latest musical instrument or bands. So people living in the villages remote site they are preserving Nepal's tradition and culture. Watch Video and subscribe Music Nepal for upcoming latest video updates.
Nepali Lok Dohori music is Nepali folk songs which is very unique style of music from Nepal. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm also called singing debate. The two teams in Dohori usually involves Mans in one group Woman's in the other. The song is started with a question usually from the boys side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation.