Pilayo Sathile By Shiva Pariyar - New Nepali Song - 2015
Official Music Video Of Popular Singer Shiva Pariyar's New Song , " Pilayo Sathile " In this video beautiful melody vocal by ...

Shiva Pariyar is one of the popular singer with a golden voice, he has touched the hearts of millions of Nepalese peoples with his songs. He developed in interest in the music from a very early age and participated in different musical event in schools, colleges and also in his community in Nepal. Shiva Pariyar was born from Man Kumari Pariyar and Sadhu Ram Pariyar on 22 February 1982 at Hajariya VDC-8, Sarlahi District, Nepal. His Musical journey started in 1994, while he won The first prize on district level child song competition on the Behalf of student of shree saraswati secondary school Hajariya Sarlahi. after that the organizers of local level musical concert Started to invite for the child song performance. amazingly, He won the first prize on the same competition second time On 1996. these success opened the door of opportunity of Participating on national level child song conference to him. Watch Today Interview with Shiva Pariyar.