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Indian Women In Shock After Getting Surprise Money In her Account

Urmila Yadav from Iindia A few days ago, she became one of the richest women to walk the earth when her bank account upgraded an amount of ...

Urmila Yadav from Iindia A few days ago, she became one of the richest women to walk the earth when her bank account upgraded an amount of Rs 95,71,16,98,647 in her State Bank of India account. Urmila Yadav had Rs 2000 in her SBI account but when she got her passbook upgraded, it showed Rs 9 lakh 57 thousand as the account amount in kanpur India, Urmila Yadav deposited Just two thousand Rupees before a month and Half ago in sate Bank of India, kanpur. She again deposed one thousand in her account but that suddenly adds up Rs 9 lakh 57 thousand in her account. She is worried where this money came from. No one knows whose balance was transferred in her account. Urmila Yadav does not want this money and requesting the owner of this money to take back the balance. Watch Video by Focus news which is published online.


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